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Lingering Stories by Chin Yuen (Acrylic Painting) | Artful Home
Lingering Stories
Lingering Stories
lingering stories

Lingering Stories

Acrylic Painting
(ID: A123200)

Created by Chin Yuen
Image Dimensions:  30″ H, 40″ W
Overall Dimensions:  30″ H, 40″ W, 0.75″ D
statusImage Ready to Ship
locationImageShips by Mar 20
Please note: Because this piece ships from Canada, it is not eligible for upgraded shipping.
Original acrylic painting that reveals layers of beautiful colours and graceful lines that represent lasting impressions of moods and plot lines in good stories. On gallery-wrapped canvas with black painted sides.

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About this Artist

picture of Chin Yuen

Chin Yuen

"I am a maximalist abstract painter who loves colors and movement. Every painting is an inventive adventure that allows me to flex my imagination and playfulness. I use colors to shape mood and lines to express movements. My dynamic paintings exude positive energy, demonstrating my innate desire to celebrate the inspirational aspects of life."

Chin ...