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Vessels in Dreamtime No.13 by Nan Hass Feldman (Oil Painting) | Artful Home
Vessels in Dreamtime No.13 by Nan Hass Feldman (Oil Painting) | Artful Home

Vessels in Dreamtime No.13

Oil Painting

Created by Nan Hass Feldman
"Vessels In Dreamtime No.13" is on cradled birch pane. It is based on the artist's response to seeing an exhibit of Aboriginal art in Brisbane, Australia. She decided to do an homage series to Aboriginal Art. In Aboriginal art, they use only the symbols of their tribe, mostly abstract symbols to represent life. And they use the use of dots for their technique. So, she decided to make up her own symbol; the vessel, which could represent various types of containers—to hold flowers or fruit or wishes, nightmares, or dreams!