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Deep Appreciation by Maren Larson (Mixed-Media Painting) | Artful Home

Deep Appreciation

Mixed-Media Painting

Created by Maren Larson
"Deep Appreciation" is an original work that represents the artist's home/studio. Many layers of paper and paint create a sturdy, thick work that will stand alone on a shelf, if you desire to present it that way. The collage is glued to handmade French archival paper and finished with two coats of varnish. It does not need the protection of glass but it would also make a handsome framed work.

When Larson works she is always conscious of the composition and color but she tries to work without too much planning so the spontaneity and freshness are evident. There is always noticeable energy in the paint strokes. The thick orange brush stroke is quite bold. Scraped lines on the sides contain or stop the energy as they are usually added at the end. The small red piece of cotton is some my favorite fabric. Larson has used it to make clothing, upholstering chairs, and bedspreads! It really represents home for her. Under some paint at the top of the work, one can see red, yellow, and green shapes that represent her garden. In various places you can see some writing, important but usually indecipherable, on purpose.