Nathan Hunter

Nathan Hunter Design

"I find it impossible to isolate the various art forms. Sculpture, music, architecture—even mathematics—make up a single pursuit in my mind. Functional art is a form that satisfies my need to combine line, lyricism, and logic into one integrated form. "

Raised in a family of artists, Nathan Hunter spent his childhood studying music, painting, photography, and furniture making. Today he creates furniture in his studio from a variety of materials including wood, metal, glass, and acrylic. The central focus of his work is a design sense that often explores the tension between opposing forms or ideas. The angular, truncated trapezoid set against a group of flowing curves; the graceful scoop of a chair seat interrupted by a bold wedge of color--all invite the viewer to gaze at an object both sophisticated and direct.

For Hunter, the ultimate test of a piece is whether it possesses both practicality as a useful object and aesthetic desirability. Would he want the piece in his home? Will his clients want it in theirs? This is a balance the artist finds rewarding to create—between lyricism and poise, visual interest and function.